Monday, March 23, 2009

Family Fun!

My family went to Orem this weekend to just go out and have some fun! And fun it was! We went bowling and I bowled a 200!!! Thats right ameteurs! ha ha i got six strikes, 5 were in a row! and a spare! it was pretty awesome and my family was in awe! i really amazed myself tho. i don't think i'll ever be able to do that again. but i'll definitely be telling my grandchildren that one day! it was a lot of fun!

This a beautiful sunset in the prettiest place in the world.... Altamont Utah!

Friday, March 13, 2009


I'm also starting my own photography business! i'm so so so excited! So i'm posting some of my work on here so if any of you know people that want pictures you can show them what i do! it would help me out a lot! I did a three month old baby the other day.. they turned out way cute! My aunt Amber also needed some done because she is being featured in a presentation in Australia! She's got an amazing story of her life and what put her in a wheelchair and so on. So one of her friends she met in college just got hired onto the sunrise magazine crew. i don't know what she does but she wanted some pics of Amber for a presentation she is giving... and I got to be the photographer!

we fed the birds! it was funny! and this was our florida attire!

me and steph in front of the castle!

This was in St. Thomas! we could stand in the water and feed dog treats and banana's to the fish! it was crazy! tons of fish would just swarm you!

the most awesome cave!

this is a pic of the stunt cars! it was awsome! how come people freak when i drive like them?

me and grandma for a quick fancy dinner close up!

the coast of La Romana

the fam damly in the top of the cave

ashlie, steph, and i on the beach in San Juan


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